
Fashion Blog Ideas For 2023 and Beyond

Fashion Blog Ideas For 2022 and Beyond

Fashion blog ideas have no end. As fashion keeps moving forward, blog ideas keep moving forward too. There are many types of posts you can create for your niche. You can also explore different niches. You can talk about the fashion trends of your country and those of others. 

Coming up with blog ideas is difficult. Nowadays, there are many fashion trends going on in the world. You may feel that all people are being part of these trends, and it won’t make much difference if you do it too. But that’s what you need to stop thinking. It may feel mainstream to you, but whatever the trend is, you can add your uniqueness to that trend. 

If trends are not your thing, then you can always talk about your personal content which includes wishlists, memorable experiences, and more. 

This article discusses how to generate blog ideas and what are the best blog ideas that you can make posts about. 


How to Generate Fashion Blog Ideas

What you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today when human contact is so quick. Fashion is instant language.

– Miuccia Prada


There are times of the year when you are full of unique and interesting ideas. Unfortunately, there are those times too when you hit a pause. This pause is not voluntary, it happens out of the blue, and you don’t know how to get back on track. 

To generate fashion blog ideas, you need to stay away from screens for some time. You’ll find that motivation outside once you clear your head. Go out to your favourite café or park. Go to those places that are peaceful. 

Once you’ve calmed yourself and collected some thoughts, then you can go to the internet. Search about whatever comes to your brain. You may find some ideas from other bloggers or influencers

In fact, you can also communicate with your friends and readers to find some inspiration. You can do a Q&A session with your readers and you can ask them the kind of content they’d like from you. Furthermore, you can ask them if they’d like to see similar kinds of posts. 

One way to have ideas is just to write. Maybe tell people a story from your school/college days. Once you start writing, you’ll find that flow and direction, and everything else will come naturally to you. 


The Best Fashion Blog Ideas For Bloggers

The Best Fashion Blog Ideas For Bloggers 

The best fashion blog ideas are those that show the real you. Yes, you can be a part of a trend every now and then. But your blog should let your readers know who you are. In 2022, your blog can do things differently, you can talk about your fashion blunders as well as about your perfection.

Here are some awesome ideas for your blog:

  • Seasonal Blog Post Ideas: As the name suggests, these ideas are for making seasonal posts. They include:
    • What to wear to a wedding 
    • How to do makeup in winters/summers 
    • Having the styles and staying warm in winters
    • The seasonal bucket list 
    • What to wear at Christmas/Halloween 


  • Blog Post Ideas To Stay In Budget: These are very helpful for those readers who have just got admission to their colleges. Those people who like to shop on a budget would like these ideas. These can include:
    • Top fashion hacks 
    • How to save money while shopping for high-end items 
    • DIY tutorials 
    • Your wishlist for items in a budget 
    • Buy a product under $20
    • How to find designer dupes
    • Save VS Splurge items 
    • Exploring thrift/charity shops
    • Renting luxury items for a day/week
    • Creating an outfit under $X


  • Worth The Splurge Blog Ideas: These blog post ideas are expensive. But once in a while, you can make such posts. They can include:
    • Must-have items
    • Expensive items that you love 
    • Unboxing high-end items 
    • Taking care of luxury items
    • How to store luxury items
    • Your wishlist for luxury fashion 
    • Top tips to buy the best luxury fashion items 
    • Comparing items from luxury brands 
    • Luxury fashion experience – one that you loved and other you hated
    • Favourite luxury fashion stores


Awesome Content Ideas For Bloggers 

Fashion blog ideas don’t have to be a one-hit-wonder. You can pick many ideas or just one idea and experiment with it. You’re thinking, “How do I experiment with it, would I regret doing it?” 

You’re not wrong for worrying about this. But it can also turn into something extremely positive and inspiring for yourself and for others. You usually discard an idea after it gets weak responses. However, you shouldn’t discard everything. At times, all you need is some improvements in those ideas. 

Take these ideas up a notch by turning them into a blog series. Here’s how you can do it with these ideas.


  • Outfit Of The Day (OOTD): Many people upload their OOTD pictures once in a while. You can make a monthly blog series with this idea. For this, you have to make a list of all the clothes you wore in a month. At the end of that month, you can make the post with all the OOTD pictures. 


  • What I Wore This Week: This idea is similar to the previous one. But for this one, instead of including all your outfits, you can include just two or three. The series can be titled “My Favourites From This Week” or “Outfit Highlights of This Week”.


  • Rating Your Looks: Through this idea, you have an opportunity to connect more deeply with your readers. Make a series where you ask your readers to send in photos of their festive looks or daily looks. You can rate these looks and suggest some changes to them. 


  • What’s New In Stores: For this series, you can take your readers to some of your favourite clothing stores. You can explore what is new in those stores. Make it interesting by adding a “Would I Buy This” question to these posts.


The Best Fashion Blog Ideas Of All Times 

You should keep updating your content and try new trends that come up. That is how you stay in the game. But there are some trends that never go away. There is something about them that people just love. Your readers who have been with you for a long time may want to see such posts too. 

Here are some of the best fashion blog ideas that never seem to fade away. 

  • How-to Guides: These types of posts help people in knowing and learning about fashion. These are the ideas that you can choose from:
    • dress on the first day of college 
    • dress for an office party 
    • find your personal style 
    • dress for the first date 
    • do makeup for a wedding 
    • buy heels 
    • buy makeup products 
    • straighten your hair at home 
    • dye your hair at home 
    • dress your child for their school’s first day 
    • find luxury items on the budget 


  • Fashion Item Lists: Who doesn’t love lists? Lists are easy to read and they give people options. For your blog post ideas, you can make these lists:
    • List of your favourite nail paints 
    • X Valentine’s Day outfit ideas 
    • List of luxury stores in XYZ
    • X People to follow for fashion advice 
    • X Ways you can dress to impress
    • List of the best makeup products from X brand


  • Your Personal Content: Your blog is your story. You should talk about your likes and dislikes, your wins and failures on your blog. These are some fashion blog ideas that are about you:
    • Your shoe collection 
    • Your watch collection 
    • Fashion fails from your college days 
    • Wearing jeans for a week 
    • Your ring collection
    • What’s in your bag?
    • Trends you tried and hated 
    • Trends you tried and loved 



What Do You Write About in a Fashion Blog?

For your fashion blog, there are many ideas that you can write on. You can use your website to post your opinions on past or recent fashion trends. You can also interview people who are working in the fashion industry. 

Other fashion blog post ideas include:

  • Post of your OOTD or Outfit Of The Day.
  • Rating the celebrity red carpet looks.
  • Making a comparison between two high-end fashion brands.
  • Posts on your personal content: shoe collection, watch collection, perfume collection, makeup collection, and so on.
  • Outfit ideas for festive occasions.
  • Q and A with your readers. 


How Do I Make My Fashion Blog Popular?

To make your fashion blog popular, you have to use some technical strategies. As you write your blog posts, keep sharing them on all your social media accounts. 

Be consistent with your posts. You don’t have to post daily, but you should post two or three times a week. Let your readers know the days you post. If they know that you post every Tuesday, then there’s a chance you’ll have more views on your post. 

You can also do guest blogging on other websites. This way, you’ll be able to tell a different audience about your work. You can tell these people what kind of content they can find on your website. 


What Are Some Good Blog Ideas?

If you have just started writing a blog, and you can’t find your niche, then here are some ideas for you. 

  1. Finance: Include posts about financial trends, markets, cryptocurrencies, investing, and more. 
  2. Marketing: Social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, search engine optimization. 
  3. Technology: Product reviews, software reviews, artificial intelligence, metaverse. 
  4. Education: Study hacks, online courses, prep for competitive and entrance exams, discussing previous year papers. Here, you can also write some motivational content that isn’t boring but insightful. 
  5. Entertainment: You can write posts on movies, discussing what you liked and what you didn’t. There are also music reviews, where you can make a comparison of how much your taste in music has changed over the years. 


How Long Should a Fashion Blog Post Be?

If you want your fashion blog website to be SEO-friendly, then you should have longer posts. 

When you are a beginner in the blog writing field, then you may not be able to write long posts that have more than 1000 words. You may have a lot of blog post ideas, but writing them in a professional tone may take time. 

So, you can start writing short posts in the beginning, with a 500-1000 word count. As you get used to the writing formats and get more ideas, you should start increasing the word count. 


What Do Fashion Bloggers Do?

Fashion bloggers write about anything and everything related to fashion. Many bloggers take part in debates and discuss the unethical vs ethical fashion trends in the world. They discuss why people should not indulge in fast fashion trends and move towards slow fashion. 

Some bloggers write mostly about celebrity fashion and lifestyle. For instance, they write about celebrity interview looks. They also write about fashion events that celebrities take part in. 

There are also those bloggers that write only about their personal content. They also give out tips and tricks to create a better outfit for less money. Plus, these bloggers also write about the how-to guides. 


In Conclusion

There are many blog ideas that you can use to make content in 2022. You can make blog posts that may require you to empty your pockets a little. There are also posts that discuss how to stay within the budget and still have the looks. 

This year, you can make a series on your blog. There are many types of blog posts that you can make a series with. You can ask your readers and know what series they’d like to see on your blog. 

Many trends come and go, but some are here to stay forever. There are some blog post ideas that always gain the attention of readers. In these posts, you can have the how-to guides and lists. Plus, these can also work well as a blog series. 

The inspiration to write your blog posts is around you only, you just need to think and look around carefully. When you’re out of ideas, you can turn to the fashion world, literally. Hop in some stores, buy some products, read other blogs, and you might just find the motivation to write more about what you love. 

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Aastha Jain

Aastha aspires to be a content writer. Her hobbies include listening to music and binge-watching movies.

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