
Clothes Define Your Personality, Be Confident in Your Unique Style

Clothes Define Your Personality

Clothes as we know have become a way to define your personality and fashion sense. They are not just a thing of comfort, but a way to express your true self and how you really feel. But many people, especially women, feel intimidated to follow a unique dress sense after a certain age. This lack of confidence can make them feel anxious or conscious in a crowd full of people. Thus in today’s time, we have seen clothes for women over 50 become the latest trend that is making everyone talk about it. It is not that fashion is limited to a particular age or body size, it is a gift every individual must possess to make themselves feel good.

Many people may have doubts while choosing an outfit and that is understandable. But, to move through that phase you must always keep in mind that it is you who decides the kind of clothes to choose. Here are the reasons why you should follow your heart when it comes to style yourself.


Dress The Way You Want, Even If Nobody Likes It


  • The desire to feel confident: What is the secret to feeling confident? Being your true self and appreciating the uniqueness in you. The same applies to clothes as well. When you don’t emulate what is in the trend but instead know and choose what you like, this helps you to find your signature style and shows the world who you really are.


  • Embrace your body: You love yourself when you are yourself. And this comes from learning how to love your body irrespective of age or weight. Dressing in a way that flatters your body gives you the courage to love yourself no matter what anyone else thinks. If you want to embrace your body, start with loving yourself. 


  • To carry through your goals: This may sound crazy but the way you dress has a lot to do with how you work. There is an old saying “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” We all must have heard this once in our lifetime. In simple words, the way you dress is how you define your personality to be and charm yourself with the same things. Put simply, if you can’t even dress properly, you can’t handle much else.


  • Gives you your own perception: It is empowering to realize how people look at you and what they think about you based on what you wear. To judge an individual on the basis of their clothes may not be the right thing, but it is a basic human nature we all have. In many ways, this makes us impulsive in choosing the clothes we wear that make others adorn ourselves and most importantly make ourselves feel good.


A message for the beautiful readers: Your beauty lies in yourself. No matter how old you are, or how skinny or chubby you may be, fashion is a feeling that justifies every human body and makes them feel jovial. It is not demanded to go along with the trends, but what makes you feel good about yourself is the key to being yourself. Fashion is a statement many of us do not understand correctly and hop on with the vogue around us. It is imperative to have a style over fashion because fashion may fade but your style is something that is everlasting. 

Now many of us may have a fondness to dress up the best but may lack the skills that stand in need. It is inevitable to have an understanding of the topics that interest you and make you want to look forward to them. Let us talk about a few ways how you can get an alluring look by adapting these basic on-the-go practices.


Do’s While Settling On An Outfit


  • Explore from prints and solids: It is a beautiful imitation that every garment holds with it. Whether you settle on printed clothes or solid colours, they both have a different sense and meaning altogether. However, it is upon every individual’s liking whether they come down in favour of which option. 


  • Accessorize your clothes: If you cannot figure out a way to look enchanting, you can always give your clothes an add-on with accessories like neckpieces, earrings, handbags, or flat belts. Accessories are like a flavour enhancer to your ordinary clothes that attempt to bring out the best look attainable. So, accessorizing is never a bad idea to get a good-looking outfit. 


  • Wear bright colours: If you do not like going to every shop to pick up your clothes, you can always have a second option. If you want a vibrant look, you must choose bright colours over dull colours that look more appealing and dazzling. Bright colours are said to catch more attention and make you look pretty as a picture even when they are just solids. So, it is not important to take a tour of every shop, but shopping wisely is the key here.


  • Choose a different style for various occasions: Many of us might not be mindful about choosing outfits for various occasions. What makes you look one of a kind is when you dress according to the event but also be yourself at the same time. So, before settling on any outfit, make sure it gives you the vibes that justify the experience and also make you feel comfortable.


After reading this piece, you must have realised that fashion is the ability to change how others see us while still being ourselves. Our dress sense is merely a personal choice and we create a relationship with our clothes when we come down in favour of what makes us feel good. Fashion is also a way to express your mood and how you feel. If you are in a happy mood, you ought to dress up in colourful clothes that actually add blush to your face and make you glow.


Let’s Bring Together Our Fancy Skills

I hope you enjoyed reading this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it. Always remember, it is you who decide how others look at you. Whether they like it or not has nothing to do with what kind of clothes you wear. It is you who should roam around merrily with the fact that you are your true self.

Please come back soon for more such thought-provoking blogs. Until you are out choosing the right outfit, we will be waiting here for you to come back! 🙂

Fashion is a choice, not a compulsion, Style is a state, not an obligation! <3

Happy Reading! 

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